

Både Apple och Foxconn har talat ut om Foxconn-fabriken som under gårdagen exploderade. Företagen riktar sina meddelande mot dom skadade och deras familjer och nämner inget omkringliggande.

”We are deeply saddened by the tragedy at Foxconn’s plant in Chengdu, and our hearts go out to the victims and their families. We are working closely with Foxconn to understand what caused this terrible event.”

”We can confirm that at approximately 7 pm on May 20, there was an explosion at our Chengdu campus. At this point, we can also confirm that there were two fatalities with injuries to 16 other employees. We are working with medical officials to provide treatment to the injured employees and we are working with government and law enforcement officials to contact the families of all employees affected by this tragedy.
