
Enligt rapporter behandlas Steve Jobs vid Stanford Cancer Center. Ryktena talar för att det är bukspottkörteln som ännu en gång står som boven i dramat.

RadarOnline.com has confirmed Jobs, 55, has been attending the Stanford Cancer Center in Palo Alto, California, where Swayze sought radical chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer before his death in September, 2009.

Att Jobs ska klara det här en gång till får vi alla hålla tummarna för. Han behövs i Apple..

Mr Jobs weight is said to have dropped from a pre-cancer 175lb to 130lb now, according to the National Enquirer. His thinning hair is a sign of the effects of the advanced chemotherapy usually used to treat the disease. The photos, which were taken on February 8, showed Mr Jobs going for breakfast with his wife Laurene Powell before heading to the Stanford Cancer Centre in California.