

I en rapport från GadgetsDNA ryktas det nu att den femte generationens iPhone kommer att utrustas med ett aluminiumhölje likt iPad. Om detta stämmer eller inte finns det ingen information om, däremot är konceptet inte omöjligt.

”According to a Chinese source, Apple is changing the rear part of iPhone 5 to aluminum which was used for first iPhone’s instead of glass or might adopt the design similar to iPod touch 4G, after facing lots of issues with white paint and scratches on rear glass surface, reported Taiwan’s Economic Daily News.

Decision to design iPhone 5 similar to iPod touch instead of using glass was arrived after receiving number of complaints. Apple seems to stop damages from scratching, issues after painting it white (for white iPhone 5), weight of glass and want to make it more durable instead. Antenna will be designed just behind Apple Logo so that cellular and Wi-Fi signal can penetrate easily. Side exposed steel antennas seem to be abandoned, as designed in iPhone 4.”

Jag vet inte vad man ska tro i detta sammanhang, däremot vet vi att Apple gillar aluminium. Den första generationens iPhone var delvis gömd bakom ett aluminiumhölje och Macbook Pro-modellerna är även dom gjutna i metallen som utan tvekan kan bli en del av iPhone 5.