

Vad har ni gjort nu Samsung? Varför sitter App Store-ikoner uppsatta i en av era butiker i Italien?

Tja, Apple lär ju i alla fall inte klaga på lite fri marknadsföring ifrån deras största konkurrent. Jag skulle inte vilja vara butikschef i denna butiken i alla fall. Mr eller Mrs lär få ett surt samtal ifrån någon av Samsungs högre uppsatta…

Without a fantastic investigative journalism budget that would allow me to fly to the Italian store in question on the company jet on a moment’s notice, I’m left to assume one of three things has happened here:

1. The display was left over from another mobile promotion and only truly nitpicky geeks like us and the folks at All Things D would ever dream of making an issue about a few little icons that only the aforementioned geeks would ever recognize anyway.
2. Samsung has a terribly backward understanding of the meaning of the term ”product placement.”
3. Samsung is stalking Apple. It has Korean factories making nothing but black turtlenecks and jeans. It also has that Safari icon tattooed on its buttocks. And sometimes it just slips up.

Källa: cnet