

Tidningsmagasinet Time har publicerat en topp 50-lista på de mest inflytelserika teknikprylarna någonsin. Högst upp på den listan hamnar Apples iPhone.

Med konkurrens av produkter som Sonys första färg-TV, Nintendo 8-Bitar, Sony Walkman och Polaroid kameran för att nämna några exempel utsåg Times iPhone till den pryl som påverkat oss mest genom alla tider.

Steve Jobs 2007

Läs hela motiveringen nedan:

Apple was the first company to put a truly powerful computer in the pockets of millions when it launched the iPhone in 2007. Smartphones had technically existed for years, but none came together as accessibly and beautifully as the iPhone. Apple’s device ushered in a new era of flat, touchscreen phones with buttons that appeared on screen as you needed them, replacing the chunkier phones with slide-out keyboards and static buttons. What really made the iPhone so remarkable, however, was its software and mobile app store, introduced later. The iPhone popularized the mobile app, forever changing how we communicate, play games, shop, work, and complete many everyday tasks.

The iPhone is a family of very successful products. But, more than that, it fundamentally changed our relationship to computing and information—a change likely to have repercussions for decades to come.

Apple hade med fler produkter på listan, där Macintosh tog en pallplats med sin tredjeplacering. iPod hamnade på plats 9, iPad plats 25 och till sist fick också iBook plats som nr. 38 på listan. Här är hela Times lista.