

Engadget har ramlat över ett skydd till iPad 2, den här gången var upptäckten dock något helt annorlunda. I skyddet låg vad man tror kan vara en prototyp av bakhöljet till iPad 2 utförd helt i aluminium.

Dexim is the eager exhibitor, with an actually very intriguing case design involving a Bluetooth keyboard that magnetically adheres to the front cover of the book-like sleeve, allowing for a laptop-style setup, or a keyboard-free case when you want to shave a few ounces. It was so intriguing that we asked to put our own iPad inside, which is when we were told it wouldn’t fit, since the case was designed for the next iPad.”

Av bilderna att döma finns alla signifikativa delar som det har ryktats om. En tunnare iPad, kamera, mer lik iPod touch, en ny ingång och lite annat. Kan detta vara det som komma skall?